Lower abdomen obesity and life stress are two of the main causes of gastroesophageal acid. Exercise is an effective way to reduce stress and weight. A doctor will show you how to make simple movements to increase muscle mass and thin the abdomen to treat gastroesophageal reflux.

GERD Symptoms

Gastroesophageal reflux can cause symptoms such as heartburn, chronic coughs, hoarse voices, sore throat, foreign bodies sensation in the throat, bad breathing, chronic pharyngitis and night cough. It can also cause asthma (Barrett’s esophagus). Barry’s esophagus can be a precancerous lession that could develop into esophageal carcinoma. Be careful.

4 The leading cause of GERD-related obesity is

Excessive relaxation of the lower end esophageal muscles is the main cause of gastroesophageal acid reflux. There are four causes.

1. Physiological factors: Obesity, age, diaphragmatic hiatus hernia.

2. Factors that can affect your diet: sugar, high-fat foods and chocolate, coffee, tea, mint, etc.

3. Habits that lead to smoking, drinking, and weight-bearing long term work to do stooping or bent over to perform sports include

4. Psychological factors can lead to disorders of the autonomic nervous systems.

They are all closely linked, including dessert, stress, obesity, and gastroesophageal regurgitation.

According to medical literature, stress conferences can increase brain preference for high-fat and dessert-based foods. People are more likely to sit for long periods of time. A thicker waist and higher visceral fat will cause abdominal pressure to increase, which can affect the lower esophageal. Contraction, causing acid reflux .

How can patients with gastroesophageal acid reflux lose weight?

Patients suffering from gastroesophageal acid reflux should be more mindful of their diet and exercise.

1. Reduce sweets and high-fat foods. Limit alcohol intake. These foods can easily cause weight gain and high levels of gastric acid production.

2. Exercise: It can help you lose weight and relieve stress. You can accomplish two things by exercising. Walking 30 minutes per day or 10,000 steps per day is the simplest exercise. You can also do Tai Chi, yoga, and core exercises.

* Strengthen core muscles, reduce abdomen and improve gastroesophageal acid

People sit for long periods of time. The lower abdomen protrudes, fat accumulates in the lower abdomen, and core muscle group muscles slowly lose their strength with age. You can improve your muscle mass, increase your basal metabolic rate and burn fat.

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These three core exercises will help reduce abdominal fat and acid reflux.

* Stick position

Keep your head down and your elbows flat on the ground. Next, place your feet on the ground. Then, lift your body parallel with the ground. Do not support for more than 20-30 seconds each movement.Develop core strength action one: maintain a straight posture.

* Improved sit ups

Traditional sit-ups can easily cause a strained waist. You should limit your “sit-ups” to half-ups. Your upper body doesn’t have to be straight. As long as your hips are slightly bent, you can get up about 30 degrees. You should not support for more than 20-30 secs per movement.Strengthen the core muscles action two: modified sit-ups.

Training abdominal muscles

Once you have landed flat on your back, lift your legs up by bringing your abdominal to the surface. Do not support for more than 20-30 secs per movement.Training abdominal muscles posture: Strengthening the core muscle group.

You should perform each of these three actions between 10-20 times per day. After each repetition, take 20-30 seconds to rest. You can start slowly increasing the number of times you do each action, depending on your fitness level.

Tips for Patients

1. After eating, do not immediately lie down or lie down on your stomach.

2. When eating, don’t drink soup, water or other beverages at the same moment.

3. Wear underwear and formwear with care.

4. Medication isn’t the only option. Medication alone is not enough to maintain your physical health. Mental health is essential for a healthy lifestyle and stress relief.