There seems to be so much to do all the time. With everyone being busy with work and life, it’s only natural to want to put things that you view as not urgent or important off for a while. 

However, though it’s okay to do this in some areas, there are things that come in life that really shouldn’t be put off for one reason or another. Here are just a few of these.

Doing your taxes

It’s not the most exciting task to tick off your to-do list but it’s one that really can’t wait. 

You often have quite some time to do your taxes after the financial year ends but this can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s great to have some time to do it, but the longer you have the more likely you are to keep putting it off until the last minute. 

Not doing your taxes when they are due can lead to some serious fines and a lot of paperwork when you actually start to do them again. It might be boring but it’s certainly necessary.

Seeing the dentist

Most only have to visit the dentist for a check-up or when they need something done. Due to how few and far between these visits can and (most of the time) should be, it can be easy to put off going altogether as life gets in the way.

However, your teeth are important and not only should you be attending checkups to prevent an issue but you certainly shouldn’t delay any procedure that you may need doing. 

It’s understandable that you might be concerned about facing the dentist after avoiding it for so long but the very best thing you can do is contact your dentist and discuss this with them. 

One of the most common reasons to not attending the dentist is when you’ve moved and haven’t had time to set yourself up at a new practice. However, finding a dentist in your new location couldn’t be easier. Just a quick online search for whatever you’re looking for like teeth whitening in Bankstown will show you all you need.


There is no set amount to how much you should save. Equally there is technically nothing to stop you from saving. Putting just a little bit away each month can really add up though and can come in handy when a big expense comes out of the blue.

So many put off saving each time they get paid, as they feel the money would do them better elsewhere. While it’s normal to want to spend this money on yourself now, when you save you are investing in the future you. That version of you, however far in the future it will be, will certainly thank you.

There is so much in life that we put off, and in most cases that’s fine, but some things should really be dealt with there and then.