The more time you spend on the road, delivering heavy loads within or across the states, the more likely you’ll be involved in a truck accident. Like many people, you may be tempted to handle this situation without an attorney, but there are several reasons why filing a truck accident claim without hiring an attorney is a bad idea.
1. You May Get Shortchanged Because of the Incomplete Paperwork
A lot of people don’t understand the litigation process. Truck accidents are very complicated. Accident investigators will test information and evidence to determine fault in a truck accident case. That means there are usually many legal issues to sort out. That’s a lot of work for you to do.
If you don’t have an attorney on your side, you’ll be required to complete a “Notice of Entry of Judgment” form. This is a formal document you’ll sign that will notify the other party that you intend to sue. You could be denied financial recovery because your legal Paperwork is incomplete. That’s why it’s a good idea to hire a truck accident lawyer when involved in a truck accident.
2. You May Give Up Rights to Pursue Compensation
There are strict time constraints for filing a personal injury claim. If you don’t act quickly, you may give up the right to pursue compensation for damages. Many truck accident victims know they will need some financial help to pay medical bills and other expenses. The good news is that hiring an attorney can dramatically increase your chances of receiving compensation for damages while reducing risk and wasted time.
3. You Can be Sued Cheaply
You may think hiring an attorney will cost a lot of money. The truth is that you can find a lawyer who charges fairly. After you hire an attorney, he’ll work with the other party to resolve your case. This process can save you money because the settlement values will be higher than what you would have negotiated. Truck accidents in Arizona are a serious problem and cause many injuries and deaths annually. In case of an injury involving a truck accident, the victims must know their rights and the legal options for compensation in Arizona. You can hire these truck accident lawyers in Arizona to help you file your claim for financial recovery.
4. You’ll Receive Substantially Less Money
There are a lot of cases in which the truck accident complainant and other party reach an agreement that settles the case for your damages. Even if you have a perfect case, there’s a chance that you might only receive about one-third of what would have been awarded by a jury trial if you had a truck accident lawyer.
5. A Lawyer is Knowledgeable of the Law
Attorneys are known for their knowledge and experience. An experienced attorney may have all the information you need to help you pursue compensation for damages in a truck accident case. Remember that lawyers have been doing this for years and will be able to help navigate any legal issues that come up. A lawyer will help you navigate all the state trucking laws that apply to your claim.
6. You Will Get Better Settlement Offers
There are times when the insurance companies negotiate with their clients and offer reduced settlement values instead of fighting the case in court. That’s usually because the complainant doesn’t know that the other party is at fault for their injuries. If you hire an attorney, he’ll handle this process for you and will have a good chance of getting a better settlement value than what you could get by handling this on your own.
In case of a truck accident, the best thing to do is to hire an attorney. It helps you to focus your energy on recovering from injuries without worrying about whether you will be compensated for your losses. Lawyers help their clients file their claims quickly, and it’s a time and cost-saving process.