Are you a April fool? Did you know that Wordle could prank you on April 1, according to your imagination? Let’s correct you, the trendiest video game today was pranking players. This made the United States and the United Kingdom consider this the worst day in the year.

Although the prank was not a joke, it was a difficult and complicated puzzle that people had to solve in DailyQuordle Fools. Continue scrolling to the bottom of this article if you want to learn more about that day.

Hints from Quordle Fools –

There are many ways to crack Wordle on April 1.

  • Ouija is the best starting letter, since it will reveal which vowels were in yesterday’s Wordle.
  • It can be used to interpret the complexion of a specific category of creatures.
  • An aardvark refers to a creature with a substantially extended version of April 1’s phrase for the day.
  • Yesterday’s Wordle Synonyms include phrases such as “nose” and “beak”.
  • Merriam Webster defines Wordle digit 286 to be a long-projecting beak on an animal such as a pig.

Answer to Daily Quidle Fools

You must have played Quardle to know that every new Quardle is dedicated to a different Quardle.

  • Recently, the 67 Quardle released answers to the Quardle of April 1, 20,22. It is our duty to inform you of this.
  • Many news games have been created based on the same principles of guessing words, as Wordle.
  • Many players feel that Quardle is more difficult than Wordle to play with.
  • Today’s Quardle can be solved by the Mauve, Minor and Handy, as well as the Gauge.

Let’s find out why Daily Queordle Fools is so hot!

This Trend is It?

The game allows players to share their results on Twitter with their followers. This game is now viral around the world in 2021.

The Quardle today is trending because of April Fools. Players want to know what the Quardle was for April Fools.

Everyone in the UK wants to know the word today after gamers revealed it was an April Fools’ plan.

Rules for Quardle

The game of Daily Quordle Foolsits participants on April fools. The players must guess the words on the screen. Each player has 4 chances to win.

The colour of the tile will change depending on the guess made by the player. The tile’s colour will change depending on how the player guesses it. If it turns green, the tile will be colored grey.


This article has shown that Quardle is a great game for people who are looking to relax and have fun during their hectic college days or work hours. Analyzis found that there is a possibility that the developers are friendly to their players.

This game is played by 2Million people. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments about the Quardle prank.