Fortnite is a well-known game that has received updates almost every month for quite some time. Fortnite players have access to hundreds of dances, emotes, and other features. Fortnite has many skins that players can purchase. These skins can only be purchased from the Fortnite merchandise shop. This means that anyone can purchase them and have them. Rare items are rare because they only come to the shop once in a while.

This is the only way to determine how rare emotes really are. It will tell you how long the emote has been out of stock since it last appeared. It is quite rare to see emotes in the store for more than 3 years. Sometimes, it’s with good reason. Epic Games has been sued many times for several dances. This is mostly a matter of copyright; it might also be the reason that some people don’t return to the store.

Let’s get started with some rare emotes, and then the most rare Fortnite emote.

What Are Some Rare Emotes in Fortnite?

Before we go into the rarest Fortnite dance, there are many other emotes that are equally rare. Skip to the next section if you’re interested in the rarest Fortnite emote. You should still check the following list to see if your Fortnite account has any of these rare emotes.


Chapter 1 Season 2 introduced this emote. This is Carlton’s iconic and signature dance from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Carlton would do this dance any song that was playing, even if it were a Tom Jones song. This emote isn’t new for just over 1300 days. This dance means that you are here from the beginning.


Another great emote. This emote mimics Snoop Dogg’s dance from “Drop It Like It’s Hot”, a 2004 song featuring Pharrell. Because it’s so easy to do, this dance was very popular in the 2000s. Snoop Dogg is a cool guy who makes everything look great.


This emote does not reference pop culture movies or tv shows, as far as I am aware. It does, however, seem to be a nod towards the bizarre waving inflatable tube men outside shops and stores.

Widow’s Piroue

This original emote is part of the Avengers set. This emote is a nod towards Black Widow’s skills from the Marvel movies. This emote allows the player to perform a spin kick and air flip before ending in Black Widow’s iconic superhero pose. This emote was last seen 1144 days ago.

What is the Rarest Emote in Fortnite?

Finally, we have arrived at the moment you have all been waiting for. Fortnite’s rarest emote. Fortnite’s most rare emote isn’t seen in the store in a very long time. You might not be able to identify the dance if you are younger. The ’80s and the ’90s children should know what it is. It is a popular sitcom from the 1990s.


This emote has been regarded as the most rare in Fortnite. It has not been seen in our shop since November 12, 2018. It has not been in the shop since November 12, 2018. This is 3 and 1/2 years.

Another emote was first shown in Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. This is Will’s first encounter with Jazz. Will performs this crazy and funny dance when Jazz plays the drums in Ashley’s room.

This emote is one of the most rare in the game . This emote can be used to distract your opponents, but it is great after a win. After watching this dance, your opponent will only respect you.


As of the moment this is being written, Rambunctious seems to be the most rare emote. It hasn’t been in the shop since 3 and 1/2 years. This is absurd. It could be that it will soon be available in Fortnite’s item shop, as it has not been in the store for so long. It could be that it will never return, but who knows? This should make you proud if it is on your Fortnite account . This emote can be performed proudly in a match.

Do you own any of Fortnite’s rarest emotes? Please let us know in the comments which ones you have.