Female betta fish appear different from their male counterparts. In general, females tend to be smaller with a rounder body and shorter tails. While males are more vibrant with longer tails that flare out when they are ready to breed. However, there is no foolproof way of telling whether a Betta is male or female just by looking at it (or them). Most pet stores will let you take home a Betta for free if it turns out that the fish is the wrong sex. In this article, we will explore in depth how to identify the appearance of female betta fish.
Recognize the Difference in Body Shape
The differences in the body shape are the most obvious visual sign that you are dealing with a female Betta instead of a male. Females have a rounder body shape, while males take on a more elongated shape. You can also see the difference in the way fins are shaped. The male Betta’s fins are longer and come to a point, while the females are shorter and rounder.
Female Betta Fish are Rounder
Female Bettas tend to be rounder in comparison to males. Females are smaller in size, which is why they appear rounder. They also have a larger stomach and a larger head than the rest of their body. Male Bettas are longer and slimmer. They appear to be more muscular and have a protruding stomach. Male Bettas have a larger head to go with their larger stomach. The differences in the shape and size of Betta fish are most obvious when the fish are fully grown. However, it is possible to see signs of these distinctions in younger fish as well. If you are looking to buy a juvenile Betta fish, you can use the shape and size of the fish as one of the ways to tell the sex of the fish.
Female Bettas Have Smaller Tails
The size of the tail is another important visual distinction between male and female Bettas. Males have comparatively longer and pointier tails. Their tails also tend to flare out when they are excited or ready to breed. In contrast, females’ tails are shorter and lack the pointy shape of the male’s tail. Female Bettas are less active than males.
Therefore, their tails are shorter to ensure that they do not get caught in plants or other things in their environment. While the size and shape of the tail are one of the most reliable ways to tell the difference between male and female Bettas, it is also possible to know the sex of the fish before they fully grow. This is especially true when looking at juvenile Betta fish.
Female Bettas Have Darker Colors
Female Bettas are more likely to have a dark coloring than males. This is a visual sign that is most noticeable in adult female Bettas. When females are ready to breed, their coloring becomes more vibrant. This happens even if you have only one female in the tank. Female Bettas are polygamous, which means that they breed with multiple males. When all of your Betta fish are female, you won’t see this change in coloring, but you will notice that the female Bettas coloring is darker than the male Betta’s.
This difference in coloring is most noticeable in fully grown adult Bettas, but you may see it in younger Betta fish as well. This is especially true if you have several females with one male.
When Can You Identify a Female Betta?
It is important to note that there is no foolproof way of telling whether a Betta is male or female just by looking at it. However, some visual signs indicate whether a Betta is male or female. The signs are not as obvious as a black and white answer. Instead, you will need to observe the fish and make sure to take note of any differences in the appearance of the fish.
However, you must understand that there is a lot of variation between fish. Some individuals have very subtle differences, while others are much more clear. Therefore, it is important to observe the fish. Take note of any differences in the appearance of the fish and compare them in these ways to tell the difference between male and female Bettas.
Tips to Identify the Appearance of Female Betta Fish
If you are having trouble recognizing the difference in body shape, fins, and coloring between male and female Bettas, there are some other things you can do to determine the sex of your fish. Betta fish produce certain sounds, and males are generally louder than females. Because Bettas are tropical fish, they need warm water to survive. Betta fish are also notorious jumpers, so you will need a tall container to keep the fish. Additionally, you can buy a Betta-deterrent to keep your fish happy and safe. When caring for Betta fish, you need to provide them with a warm and clean environment, and you need to feed them a healthy diet.