This article provides all the details about a recently launched website. We also highlight all crucial points to clarify Does Amazeo Shop Really Work.
Are you looking to find home decor and other home utility items? Do you enjoy keeping your home tidy and clean with easy-to-use home accessories? lets you shop for any type of home decor, so you can personalize your home.
The United States loves to personalize their homes according to their mood. This website offers everything you need. But, before you can make any decisions, it is crucial to determine Is Amazeo Shop Real?
Can Amazeo Shop Really Be Trusted
- Portal is seven months old (created 14 July 2021).
- Alexa rankingAlexa Global Ranking is 6512317
- Website trust Score: This Website has an extremely low trust score of 2%. This raises the question of its legitimacy.
- No social media links are available on this website.
- Copied contentIt seems that the website firewall won’t allow it to verify its plagiarism, which makes it even more suspicious.
I hope you have no doubts about this Website. But, it is worth checking the Amazeo shop reviews to see what its customers think.
- Customer Reviews:Customer Reviews are not available on any of its Products. It also raises questions about its legitimacy.
- Validity of the Contact Address: It is possible to contact you, but it is fake. We discovered that the Website address is actually an address for an airport in the USA.
- Owner’s Information: We don’t have any owner’s information.
- Returns and Exchange Policy: The portal claims they can accept eligible returns within 30 Days of the order.
This information results in a website that is not properly prepared. There are also no customer reviews on this website. Is Amazeo Shop Legit?
What does Amazeo sell? functions as an online shop portal. You can make your house your own by using Play’s home decor items and accessories. The company claims that their products are low-cost, so you can upgrade your house as you wish. They offer furniture, curtains and bedsheets as well as kitchen appliances.
- It’s an online store that sells accessories and basic home decor.
- Website built on-14 – 07-2021
- Website address
- EMAIL: [email protected]
- Contact number: Not available.
- Is Amazeo Shop Legit? It is difficult to make a recommendation due to lack of reviews.
- Contact: 3760 Kilroy Airport Way Long Beach CA 90806, USA
- Sort and filter options:Not applicable to any product.
- Price: You can only pay in USD
- Shipping and Delivery: Although they claim to deliver their product within 3 to 5-business days, weekend deliveries are not allowed.
- Payment Option:Payment through PayPal, Visa MasterCard, and Stripe
- Social media presence- No social media links were found on the website.
Pros to review Is Amazeo Shop Legal?
- There are many options for home decor on the internet.
- There are multiple payment options.
- The prices of the products are very affordable.
- Website trust score is low at only 2% which raises the question of its legitimacy.
- We are not able to tell if the domain is real or fake as it is very young.
- It is not possible to find the owner information, nor is the address.
- Websites don’t have social linking. Customers reviews are absent from other social media platforms.
These are some of the positive and bad feedback for Amazeo.Shop. Let’s look at customer reviews for this Website.
Amazeo Shop Reviews doesn’t have customer reviews for its products or official website. Their products are not listed on the Website for customers to review. Without customer reviews, it is impossible to determine if the site has been hacked or genuine. We also cannot assess whether products are good and bad. If you’re scammed, get your money back from PayPal to shop safe online.
Amazeo.Shop is not the best website to buy your products. There are no customer reviews and the website escort rate is extremely low. This raises a question about its legitimacy .
For home decor, readers can visit this link. Also, What You Need To Know About Credit Card Frauds to Safely Shop Your valuable feedback is welcome here.