This article includes all details about Missing Boy Freeport Maine Theo Ferrara, as well as information about how to find them. For more information, please follow this link.
It doesn’t matter what language is used, missing word is always hurtful. It can cause a whole day of thinking about what could have happened to someone, as happened recently with Theo, a 14-year old boy.
Are you aware of this missing incident? This news is new to you. Are you sure he was found by the police? Is this what you know about his fate? This news is widely circulated in the United States. You should read the Missing Boy Freeport Maine article until the end.
What happened?
Theo Ferrara, a 14 year-old boy, was reported missing on Thursday 22 September and declared missing by police on Friday. Theo was last seen at his home around 4:30pm. After that, Theo never came back. He was approximately 5’7″ tall and weighed in at a middle weight of around 120 pounds. Theo was last seen wearing a white t-shirt, a blue backpack and neon shorts.
According to sources, the police initially thought Missing Boy Freeport Maine had run away. However, after reviewing the case, it was clear that there was no evidence of Theo ever running away. Police officials provided a number (207-865-4800) so anyone who sees him or has any information can reach him.
Theo was last seen moving towards Brunswick. Theo’s missing post was shared by Theo’s freeport police via social media posts. Theo was sneered by police dogs. Police invested him through friends and neighbours.
School official’s action Missing Boy Freeport Maine
School officials posted information about Theo and offered support to his family. The school officials also delayed the competitions and dance that were to be held at the school because of Theo. Roman, a friend, and other students from the school went to the police station to get help. The school and its members support the police in this action and hope to see Theo soon.
Theo 14, a teenager, was reported missing from Freeport Maine. He was being sought by school officials and the police. This article is about Missing Boy Freeport Maine. More information about Theo Ferrara Click on the link .
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