Arundhati Hoskeri

A practical handbook for the entire family, Arundhati Hoskeri’s Natural Remedies for Common Ailments teaches readers how to use herbs to cure common ailments. Every recipe comes with thorough directions on how to prepare the ingredients, and many recipes cover more than one common ailment. Arundhati is also a multilingual doctor, fluent in English, Marathi, Gujarati, and Kannada.

Plant-based remedies

There are various types of plant-based remedies for common ailments, and some are used to treat different diseases. There is also a variety of techniques for making and using these remedies. For instance, a decoction of the roots of Tribulus terestris is usually used to treat kidney disorders. Another common use is the juice of Adhatoda vasica, which is given to diabetic patients to help lower their blood glucose levels. Lastly, Solanum nigrum leaf juice is used to treat ear infections and bleeding.

Plant-based remedies have been used for centuries, and their long history in use lends them valuable experience when it comes to their effects and safety. For example, the Middle Ages saw the introduction of an herbal lotion to treat the symptoms of the black death. Native Americans, on the other hand, discovered a plant that could treat several diseases, including Spanish flu. One of the most popular plant-based remedies for Spanish flu was the use of onions. Onions are known for their antiviral effects and were used widely to treat Spanish flu.

Traditional medicines are an integral part of the medical curriculum in many countries and have been used for centuries to treat common maladies. The use of natural plants for medicinal purposes has gained widespread acceptance, and modern physicians with training in these alternative techniques will have an advantage over those who are not familiar with them.

Medicinal plants

There are many different medicinal plants that can be used to treat common ailments. Some plants are used to alleviate headaches, tummy problems, and insect bites. They can be used topically, or even consumed in the form of tea. However, it’s important to consult with a physician before using these plants. Also, make sure to follow plant care guidelines, which includes avoiding pesticides.

Ethnobotanical studies suggest that there may be more medicinal plants that are effective than we might realize. For example, in some parts of the world, a number of plants have a wide range of medicinal uses, and these can be useful in curing mild COVID-19 symptoms. However, there is no definitive scientific proof that these plants are effective in curing this virus.

In many cultures, medicinal plants have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments. Using plants for treatments is common in many countries, as they are inexpensive and effective. Studies have also shown that plant-based medicines are a good source of new drug candidate compounds. While traditional medicine has been around for centuries, plant-based medicine continues to play a vital role in today’s healthcare industry. Medicinal plants contain complex chemical compounds that act as defense against bacteria and other harmful substances.

Phytochemicals found in turmeric have antibacterial and antifungal properties. They can help prevent foodborne illnesses and can also be used as a natural decontaminant. Ethnobotanical studies have shown that thyme has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, making it a powerful medicinal plant.


Many common ailments can be treated naturally, using recipes that are already found in your kitchen. Natural remedies can be a great alternative to taking medications. These recipes use the healing powers of common foods that are already in your home. They are also effective against a wide range of common allergies. So, instead of running to the pharmacy every time you feel a cough or sore throat, turn to your pantry for relief.


A recent survey examined the efficacy of herbal remedies for common ailments. The majority of respondents viewed herbal remedies as equally or more effective than conventional medicines. However, about 9% of respondents felt that they were not as effective. Researchers conducted stepwise multiple regression analysis to determine the factors associated with perceived efficacy. The results revealed no significant effect of age, gender, family income, ethnicity, or number of years of formal education.

The researchers found that 30% of asthmatics reported using herbal remedies for asthma. However, none of the herbal treatments were perceived as being more effective than conventional anti-asthmatic medicines. However, 35% of asthmatic patients indicated that their herbal remedies worked better in combination with conventional anti-asthmatic medicines. This suggests that the concomitant use of herbal medicines with conventional medicine may influence the perceived efficacy.