Pet allergies- I’ve met many mothers who won’t allow their children to walk outside, in the park or at home barefoot. They wear socks all year. They don’t know the origin of the flowers in their house. Even with such protection, Thai children are more susceptible to getting infected than other kids.

Pediatricians have warned mothers for decades to avoid allergies in their children. Many studies have shown that children who come into contact with animals early in life are more likely to develop allergies, such as rheumatoid or asthma. Children who came into contact with dogs and cats after birth were found to have lower levels of immunoglobulin e antibodies and 15 to 21 percent less eczema.

Since the 20th century, allergies have increased. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), asthma is a growing problem in countries such as the United States where children are not malnourished.

Asthma, a chronic lung disease, is caused by swelling and narrowing of the airways. It can cause symptoms like constipation, coughing and shortness or breath. According to traditional wisdom, a decrease in allergens in the home can also help reduce symptoms of asthma.

However, a study conducted by the National Institute of Alcohol and Epidemiology (NIAID) with the financial support of the Urban Environment and Childhood Asthma (URECA” study showed that children who had some bacterial and allergic infections prior to developing asthma were more likely than others to become infected with the virus. Their study is published in the 2018 Journal of Allergies and Clinical Immunology.

This study involved 42 children. 130 of them (27%) were diagnosed with asthma by age 6.

Copio University Hospital in The Netherlands reports that children who grow up with pets or dogs at home are less likely than those without pets to develop allergies. Children who live with pets or are part of a household were found to be relatively healthy. They write that children who are exposed to more germs than their pets are are healthier than children whose pets stay inside.

Research from Albert University published in Microbium shows that children who are exposed to more than just dust, gray, and animal germs have two types or microorganisms in the stomachs of their children. These are called less allergic and obesity. Researchers also discovered that STEP infections in pregnant mothers who had pets were less common among women who had pets at their home. This infection is more common in newborn babies.

The University of San Diego Night Lab is conducting the largest study of microorganisms in humans. Researchers have reached this conclusion after more than 12 studies.

A University of California study in 2010 found that dogs living in their own homes are more likely to be infected with germs.

The mice who came into contact with the dust in this house had a greater immunity to allergies. Researchers examined the feces from 307 children in 2016. They found that those who didn’t have a dog had more bacteria and allergies than those who did. According to a recent Swedish study, children who have more pets are more likely be immunized. Studies have shown that children who own more than one pet increase their immunity.

According to a 2008 European study, pregnant mothers who keep pets at home are more likely to have a healthy baby. Research has shown that blood samples taken from unborn babies who have been exposed to farm animals by mothers have higher levels of active immune cells. The baby is benefiting from the microorganisms found in the mother’s womb.

For many years, we have known that a dog at home is good to a child’s mental well-being. We now know it’s also beneficial for your physical health. Children are less likely to get allergic reactions from pets. When children come in contact with animals, their immunity is increased. You are less likely to get allergic rhinitis, asthma, or eczema if you have more cats or dogs.