Marketing is one of the pillars of industry.

You can have the best business in the world and be doing absolutely everything right, but without marketing, no one will know about what you’re doing. This means you’ll never attract customers, and thus, will never grow or become profitable.

Naturally, this means marketing is incredibly important. In fact, it can easily be argued that marketing is the most important aspect of business.

There are tons of businesses that are wildly successful without having any real merit. They use strong marketing to convince people to buy their products and services, even though those products and services are completely worthless.

While this is obviously unethical and shouldn’t be seen as strong business practice, it does highlight just how crucial marketing is. A good marketing strategy can build even a terrible business.

But when it comes to marketing strategies, there are tons to choose from.

Among the main concerns is that of quantity vs quality. Which is more important, cranking out tons of ads and content, or putting out fewer but more thought-out marketing materials?

This article explores this issue so you know which is best for your business.

The Benefits of Putting Out More Content

We live in a very fast-paced world. People are constantly bombarded with new stimuli, meaning their attention spans are very brief most of the time.

As a result, they’ve grown accustomed to seeing things over and over again before they truly acknowledge them.

For this reason, it often makes sense to put out a ton of advertisements or content. It’s frequently necessary to break through the background and capture your target audience’s attention.

This points to the obvious merit of focusing on quantity over quality. If everyone is scrolling through so quickly, they probably don’t really care much about what they’re seeing, just that they’re seeing it, right? Also, read about Local Digital Business.

The Merits of Focusing More on Quality

While the above statement may seem like a good reason to through quality aside and just focus your efforts on cranking out as much marketing material as possible, this approach misses an important part of marketing.

People don’t like garbage. Even if they see that garbage a thousand times over, they still won’t like it. They’ll eventually just train themselves to ignore it.

The same goes for bad marketing materials. Even if you put your materials in front of them hundreds of times, they won’t want to explore your offerings or respond to any call to action you may provide if they don’t think the materials are worth more than a glance.

For this reason, it’s critical that you make your materials at least minimally engaging.

A strong marketing strategy that focuses on quality can last for quite a while, meaning that you can make up for the time you spent developing it.


Ultimately, the best marketing strategy is one that balances quantity and quality. Staying somewhere in the middle will almost always work out better than veering to either extreme.

Whether social media marketing or using more traditional means of marketing, you should aim to create materials that are engaging while still coming out with new materials on a somewhat regular basis.