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With the recent economic crisis triggered by the Covid-19 – and in recent months also by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine – many people have tried to set up their own business and become their own entrepreneur. To take this step obviously requires a great deal of courage: even to start a new business, one needs to have the ability to think in a way that is diametrically opposed to conventional thinking, to those approaches to work that we have been accustomed to over the last few years, since we finished our studies, and which in one way or another have heavily conditioned our mentality. Those who have started their own business are perfectly aware that to be successful, in such a delicate historical conjuncture, one has to find the courage to dare, to think outside the box, using the skills and know-how accumulated over the years to bring their own business to life, with their own rules and rhythms, without having to account to anyone but themselves. 

New types of work 

The cultural evolution, from this point of view, is to realise that one does not necessarily have to be subject to an employer in order to find success and fulfilment from a work perspective. The skills and abilities that we have acquired over the years, or even only at the end of our studies, are extremely valuable, they are even invaluable, and must be harnessed to bring one’s own business to life. Who would not wish to run their own business independently, without having to turn up at the office (perhaps daily) at a certain time of day? Self-employment does not only bring with it increased individual freedom, it also greatly empowers each individual who experiences it, inevitably leading to improved work performance. 

In order to start your own business, you do not necessarily have to start from scratch, founding a new company or inventing a completely innovative activity, perhaps inspired by a brilliant idea the founder had. In fact, many people choose to rely on some already existing online platforms and take advantage of their excellent positioning to start their own business, perhaps starting to sell a few items within platforms such as Vinted. The hardest step to take is the initial one, because you have to set aside all your beliefs about the world of work and break those mental superstructures that for years had prevented you from seeing reality in its true aspect. 

The role of the written word 

In an age dominated by the power of the image, the written word still retains almost intact its enormous specific weight, especially when it comes to online sales on specialised portals. The way of writing the title of an advertisement on Ebay, for example, can decisively influence the outcome of the sale, as can the price at which it is offered to prospective buyers. In a sense, the title is even more important than the text that you enter in the description of the object, because the keywords contained in the title are the ones that will determine the objects shown by the results of the site’s internal search engine. In the few characters available for writing the title, you should include as much information as possible about the object, including the year of manufacture, the model, the brand and anything else that might be of interest to the buyer. By specialising in a certain sector, you will also soon get to know all the most important keywords for a certain type of object, thus improving your sales. 

The value of the word is also well known to gambling specialists: Vegas Slots Online, for instance, not only offers a huge assortment of online slots and casino games, but also offers some valuable guides created by the site’s team of experts, all professionals in the field, who have also personally selected each game on the site according to strict reliability and security criteria. The online gaming guides are also a great way to familiarise oneself with the site’s content, thus helping even inexperienced players to find their own sources of entertainment in a safe and reliable manner. The games can be played on any type of device, thus ensuring that everyone can enjoy themselves as much as possible. 

In spite of the general scepticism that seems to surround the written word, videos, their value will continue to shine, perhaps discreetly, silently, preserving its usefulness for the success of any business.