A resume that stands out from the crowd will increase your chances of being seen by recruiters. Your portfolio should show that you are not only educated but also a good fit for the firm. Certificates are an excellent method to improve your resume, highlight your skills and accomplishments, and provide evidence that you are making some effort to remain relevant. Credentials are a sort of upskilling and reskilling, even though you are not looking for work. Learning new skills can help you advance in whatever you are doing right now. Experts mostly recommend adding a certification or two to your resume after a few years of working.

Here are the five best certificates that you can add to your resume.

1. FEMA Certification

This is a certification whose knowledge and skill sets are appreciated by many organizations worldwide today. It’s free and you will absolutely appreciate it. It’s easy to enroll in, and with some little effort and consistency, you can complete it quickly.

2. WordPress Academy

This online certification is offered for free and is best for people who want to learn about website management. This program takes 30 days to complete and helps you build skills as a WordPress user at both an advanced and intermediate level.

3. Certification for HubSpot Inbound Marketing

These days, companies are putting a lot of emphasis on marketing, and hiring someone with an inbound marketing qualification can easily nail an interview for a highly coveted job. This course will teach you about blogging, online conversion analysis, email marketing, and other topics.

4. Alison’s Diploma in Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Alison’s courses are popular and have become valued in different sectors. This course equips you with the best business management tools and knowledge to take up important roles in a business setup.

5. MIT’s Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

This is a free program, but the learners will need to pay for the cost of the certification, which is $75. This is an excellent online course for anyone interested in developing his or her computer programming knowledge.

Getting a Fake Diploma

There are many instances where you may want to get a fake certificate. May be the original one has delayed in mail, yet you have an important interview to attend or you didn’t finish your studies and need a certification to help you climb up the corporate ladder. No matter the reason, you can get the help of a reputable fake diploma maker. They make a fake diploma using high quality paper that looks very authentic.


Including additional certificates on your curriculum vitae can increase your employment prospects! It will assist you in matching keywords, demonstrating your knowledge with modern technology, and demonstrating your capacity to learn beyond the classroom. Certifications, of course, necessitate a time commitment. Some can be completed in little over a month, whereas others take up to eight weeks. However, once finished, your certification will enhance your portfolio and help you stand out from the competition. And that’s one of the finest methods to improve your chances of landing a terrific job as well as an interview.