Are you familiar with hot yoga? This activity is good for the body and mind.

What is hot yoga?

Hot yoga can be challenging for beginners. The ambient heat of the class (room heated up to 42 degrees Celsius) makes it a great cardiovascular exercise (up to 1200 calories are burned each class). The heat promotes deeper stretching of the entire body and a faster elimination of toxins. The Bikram yoga Method stimulates the muscles, organs glands, nerves, and joints. It also transports freshly re-oxygenated blood into 100% of the body’s parts. This allows for a better functioning of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems as well as reproductive, lymphatic and skeletal nervous systems.

What are the health benefits of hot yoga practice?

The use of heat has been used for centuries to relax and soften joints and muscles, as well as to ease pain from certain injuries, stiffness, and tension. The yogapostures are easier to perform when the muscles are relaxed and warmed up. As with any physical exercise, it is important to be aware of your limits and to respect them. To take breaks whenever you need them, to drink when you thirst and to take your time to breathe.

Hot Yoga is very popular for the following reasons: Heat makes your body more flexible so that you can do more difficult postures. Heat causes sweating, which allows for the elimination of toxins (and we must remember to drink lots of water). ).

Improved sleep quality, weight loss, stress reduction, stimulation of immune system, and stimulation of the immune response are some of the benefits. People with back pain, depression and osteoporosis, as well as those suffering from skin issues, blood pressure, or skin conditions, will benefit from this practice.

What yoga mat should I buy for hot yoga?

It is a good place to begin: a non-slip yoga rug