Summer is the best time to remove a tooth. Because the kids are on holiday, they won’t miss school for a few days after removing their wisdom teeth. If you do need to extract a tooth, it is often easier to schedule the surgery during school holidays. Business slows down, and you are more relaxed. eat after Wisdom teeth extraction . Soft foods are great for the first few days after recovery, as you might guess.
How to eat after wisdom teeth removal?
Wisdom teeth should be extracted when the patient is 16-18 years old. This is because the first roots of the tooth are still in formation, and the tooth is not yet formed. This makes the procedure easier and allows for a faster recovery.
Although it is a simple procedure, it is not required. According to dentists, wisdom teeth should only be extracted if they are causing dental arch damage. It is possible to have it born if there is enough space without affecting the alignment of other teeth.
If the dentist has determined that wisdom tooth extraction is necessary, you will need to follow a liquid, pasty, and ice cream-based diet. Here are some suggestions. Enjoy!
Care after wisdom teeth removal
Even though the procedure is simple, wisdom teeth removal requires postoperative care. It is recommended to brush your teeth gently until one day after the extraction. Use ultra-soft bristle toothbrushes to avoid causing any damage to the area. Ask your dentist if mouthwash is allowed.
There are ways to reduce swelling after surgery. Cold compresses can be used for five to ten minutes each half an hour after you leave the clinic. You can switch to hot compresses the next day by placing a damp towel on the affected area.
Alcohol should not be consumed postoperatively as it can interfere with the effectiveness of the antibiotic. After seven days, the patient should return to the dental office to have the stitches removed and to assess the healing process.
When can I eat after wisdom tooth removal
Your jaw and mouth may feel numb after tooth extractions. Anesthesia . The effects of the anesthetic usually disappear within a few hours. Take it easy, it’s possible to still Eat after Wisdom teeth extraction .
Even if you are able to eat for a few hours after your procedure, it is still important to be cautious about what you eat. You should avoid certain foods and drinks for several weeks after your tooth extractions.
You may be able to eat densely textured food within 24 hours if only one or two teeth have been removed. Because each case is different, it’s best to consult your dentist about the best treatment for tooth removal.
What to eat after wisdom tooth removal
Many people ask about diet after wisdom teeth removal. Many teenagers reported that their first meal after surgery was noodles. Instant noodles can be made quickly and are very easy to prepare. It is however a pre-fried food, full of preservatives, dyes, and glutamate. Some brands even contain sugar. All of these ingredients make this food extremely inflammatory. It will not reduce pain or swelling. If you want to eat noodles, the bi fum is for you. It’s a thin rice-based noodle. It takes only 2 minutes to cook. You can also add anti-inflammatory seasonings like turmeric powder or chives.
Some people feel a little hungrier after surgery. However, it is essential that you eat food to replenish your energy and nourishment for healing. Some people are very hungry, but can’t eat hot food. You will find options to suit all tastes and needs.
Things to Consider Eat after Wisdom teeth extraction :
1. Soups
You could have soup, cornmeal soup, or vegetables. It is important to eat easily within the first few days following surgery. This soup is a good example of this.
There are still many options to make your favorite flavor, and you can use different ingredients.
Be careful! Pay attention to the temperature. Hot foods should not be eaten after a tooth has been extracted. This can cause bleeding, pain, and impair healing.
2. Ice Cream
You must not have sensitive skin Teeth Ice cream is the best thing to eat. Wisdom teeth extraction It is especially good in the summer. You can enjoy it even if your mouth is sensitive because it is creamy and icy. The ice cream is chilled, which helps reduce any swelling in the mouth.
Carefully choose the ice cream. Creamy ice cream is best after surgery because it doesn’t require as much effort to eat. Solid toppings and confectionery should be avoided on the ice cream. Remember to serve the ice cream in a cup, not in a cone.
3. Vitamins and juices
Juices and vitamins are so colorful and nutritious. They can be a great help for your health and recovery. You can even mix and match the flavors, and enjoy them well gelled. It will not only be refreshing but it will also relieve pain and swelling from the operation.
“Some patients have trouble opening their mouths even if they’ve been open for a while. The professional explains that some patients may have trismus. This is a restriction in the mouth’s opening or mandibular mobility. You can still ingest liquids with a straw in these situations, but rest assured.
4. Vegetables
You will feel ready to eat more solid food after a few days. There is nothing better than getting back to your regular vegetable routine. These foods are nutritious and can be eaten well mashed as if they were purees. You can make it with manioc, potato or pumpkin. It’s delicious!
5. Gelatin
For those who have just extracted the system, gelatin is another great option. It is easy to digest and cold. A fundamental tip to get a pudding with a liquid texture is to use more water than usual.
Did you know what to eat next? Wisdom teeth extraction ? Remember to take care of your teeth and follow all the recommendations from your dentist to speedily and quietly recover from surgery.
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