Insomnia– Potassium, one of the most important nutrients in the body, is a key ingredient. It can lead to weakness, fatigue, dizziness and muscle cramps, as well as insomnia, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, dizziness, muscle cramps, and other symptoms. It is easy to get potassium from the foods we eat, so it is not difficult to have it. However, there are still many situations in which potassium is lacking.

Red bean water is rich in potassium, which many people are aware of. The body has mechanisms to store potassium and expel sodium. The body has a lot of sodium, so water is easy to retain in the body. Potassium is able to help eliminate excess sodium.

Potassium is actually involved in many functions of the body. Potassium has many important effects on nerve conduction and muscle contraction, blood pressure balance, and body waste and toxin metabolism. High blood pressure patients should be informed that potassium-rich foods can lower blood pressure.

Electrolyte imbalance is caused by potassium loss in the body. Leung Jiawei (consultant dietitian at “Dietitian’s Table”) pointed out that electrolyte imbalances are not harmful to the body if it is slight. However, if it is severe, symptoms may develop depending on how severe the problem is.

* Arrhythmia, palpitation, dizziness: This is when potassium deficiency can be very serious and affects the systemic circulation. Potassium regulates the heart circulation.

* Gastrointestinal symptoms Moderate potassium deficiency. This can lead to slower digestive motility and other digestive problems. If they become more severe, people will experience a decrease in appetite and nausea.

* Insomnia, emotional instability, and fatigue. These are all signs of mild potassium deficiency. Potassium plays a vital role in neuromuscular transmission. A mild deficiency could cause emotional and muscle problems.

Potassium can affect the muscles and cause fatigue, weakness, muscle weakness and cramps. If it affects nerves, symptoms like emotional instability, anxiety and irritability may also occur.

Prone to potassium deficiency: partial eclipse, frequent sweating

Most foods contain potassium so it’s not difficult to become deficient. A slight potassium deficiency can cause fatigue and lack of energy in most people. Liang Jiawei stated that only those who have experienced extreme partial eclipses might be severely deficient in potassium. They eat delicate foods like pizza and fried chicken a lot. It can be difficult to get enough potassium.

The body excretes potassium through sweat and urine. Heavy sweating, vomiting and diarrhea will result in the body excreting potassium. People who are involved in physical labor, or who exercise a lot, as well as those with severe vomiting and diarrhea should pay close attention to potassium supplements and other trace minerals.

Potassium supplementation diet: Eat more fruits and vegetables and less salty food

Many fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. These include dark green vegetables like sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes and taro.

The well-known high-potassium banana is one of the most popular fruits. Bananas are high in potassium, with 100g being the unit. Other foods like durian contain 440mg, spinach has 510mg and taro 500mg. Their potassium content is also higher than bananas. .

A banana weighs more than 100g and is easy to eat. High-potassium vegetables have the disadvantage that some potassium may be lost during cooking.

The body’s mechanism to retain and excrete sodium, and potassium, is to keep potassium and excrete salt. The less potassium you take, the more sodium you consume. It is difficult for the body to retain potassium if the diet is high in salt and taste. Meat is a good source of potassium but it also has sodium, higher fats, and more calories. This is not the best option for potassium supplementation.

Liang Jiawei noted that potassium is an electrolyte which is difficult to retain and has a high excretion. Normally, hyperkalemia is not caused by high-potassium foods and vegetables. However, it can cause symptoms such as kidney disease or chronic kidney disease. Because potassium is difficult to retain, even when it is supplemented with potassium, it will still get excreted. Therefore, a balanced diet is the best way “replete potassium”.

Hypertensive patients may also be able to eat potassium-rich foods to regulate their blood pressure. Low-sodium sodium salt can be used to control sodium intake and add potassium to the diet, helping to stabilize blood pressure. Low sodium salt is not recommended for patients with high blood pressure.