Working remotely presents several benefits such as improved work-life balance and reduced expenses. However, it limits social connections and can get quite lonely. And while you are probably okay with it, it might surprise you just how important social interactions are for your work performance. Humans are social beings and often crave connection and contact with fellow humans. Moreover, these connections make us happy, helps reduce stress, improve our health and make us better team players. As a result, we work better, realizing exemplary performance and improved productivity. If you have always thought that social interactions don’t impact your work, read on to see 5 ways it can help take your productivity a notch higher.

Mental wellbeing

Social interactions provide emotional support that can’t be found anywhere else. Just sharing about difficult situations in life with other people makes them bearable and reduces mental stress significantly. In addition, being among other people gives a sense of belonging and gives your life meaning and a purpose. This can lead to improved self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. Moreover, when you are happy, you are bound to work at your best.  

Even when you don’t have an office to go to, you can find other ways to interact with other people in your daily work. You can talk with a friend or relative during your breaks, for instance. Another great option is to work in a coworking space a few days a week. This allows you to meet and interact with the other workers, building meaningful connections while at it.  

Job satisfaction

Employees’ relationships are a key ingredient for positive and vibrant company culture. When employees get to know one another in a personal and positive way, there is increased trust and respect. Moreover, it creates an emotionally secure environment where employees can be themselves, share their minds without the fear of being judged or made fun of. Moreover, everyone loves working in a place where they feel accepted and respected just the way they are, which enhances job performance. Ensure that you are taking part in the company happy hours and team-building activities whether physically or virtually. You are bound to find job satisfaction when people who ooze positive vibes and energy surround you. Moreover, you will be more engaged and dedicated to giving your all.

Healthier life

Good friends are important for the good of your health. As said earlier, the support they give in both good and bad times can boost your mental health. In addition, friends can influence you to live a healthy lifestyle. For instance, if you interact with people who value physical exercise and healthy living, you are likely to pick up the lifestyle. You will start to enjoy working out and spending time in nature. Likewise, hanging out with people who don’t drink, smoke, or do other unhealthy habits, can influence you to change such habits. 

Just being around friends can significantly reduce your risk of high blood pressure, depression, and weight gain. A healthy you means fewer sick off days and the best shape to get much done.

Increased collaboration

People work better with people they trust and respect. Interacting with your colleagues socially brings about a level of respect and trust. In addition, there is improved communication and solving problems is enhanced. This brings about cohesiveness and understanding. With such a culture, you are likely to be more willing to work together with the rest of the team to achieve set goals. The willingness to participate and collaborate with other team players also enables teams to work more efficiently and effectively, which yields positive results.

Enhanced creativity

If you have been struggling to finish a project, just take a break and foster a few conversations in the neighborhood or local coffee shop. You will be surprised how ideas will start flowing once you get back to the project. How is that possible? You see, people have different minds, thoughts, and ideas about things depending on their backgrounds, beliefs, and the like. You are likely to find new perspectives on a difficult task just by listening to different people. Moreover, that can be a good boost for your creativity and innovation.


You have probably heard of the popular saying, ‘I didn’t come to make friends, I came to work’. However, following that line of thinking can be detrimental to your productivity. Social interactions at work and outside work have a lot to do with how you do your work. You will be happier and healthier, which is critical in keeping you in performance shape. In addition, you are likely to be better at collaborating with others. Your creativity is also likely to skyrocket just by interacting with others.