Monday, May 6, 2024
Are there any possibilities of My Next Life as a Villainess Season 3 ( Hamefura X? )" being produced? If so, we are looking into and anticipating the date of broadcast. It is a must-see...
Do you think Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Season 3 is possible? If yes, when will the broadcast begin? It also summarises where and how much animation (from which volume to how many) will be depicted...
Madhouse! Although a manga based on the viewpoint of Kobuchizawa House was published, there are no original novels or manga. It was not unexpected because the "No Game No Life” team was involved in production....
The third installment of the "Spider-Man" series, starring Tom Holland and "Spider-Man: No Way Home", is set to be released in all 50 states on December 17. The film, directed by Jon Watts takes a megaphone and various information circulated...
Season 3 is still not confirmed. We don't know when season 3 will be released. We can predict it by looking at the manga and anime sales, and the distribution of video. Find out when "I'm Standing on a Million...
It is not uncommon to hear the terms waifu and husbando in the otaku community. These concepts are associated with a deep romanticization of fictional characters from manga, anime, and video games. If you're an otaku, you likely...
Isekai is an anime genre that is very popular and beloved by otaku all over the globe. A story where the main character can reincarnate in another world to continue his/her adventures. This is a fascinating tale and an...
Maid sama ( Kaichou Wa Maid-sama! ) is one the most loved rom-com anime. The anime was adopted by JC.Staff between April 2010 and September 2010. It has an IMDb rating of 8.0. This is quite good. The show is full...
On television, the 2016 adaptation of the book "Full Time Mage" was shown. Many critics have commented on the anime's appeal to viewers. Each chapter ends with an exciting conclusion that makes viewers wonder about what's next. This was the last time. Now...
The new series How A Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom was presented by J.C. Staff in the summer 2021. This project was inspired by the manga of the identical name. It began as a web comic in 2014 and then...



