Nowadays, many advertisements are running on the internet that kids need multivitamins for healthy growth. Is it true?
Well, it is partially true. Ideally, kids should get most of the important vitamins and minerals from a healthy, balanced diet that includes:
- Dairy items like cheese, yogurt and milk
- Fresh fruits and leafy, green vegetables
- Protein like chicken, fish, meat, and eggs
- Whole grains such as oats and brown rice
Due to the fast-paced era, parents do not get sufficient time for their kids, and those nutritious and home-cooked meals are not always possible. That is the reason why pediatricians recommend a daily multivitamin or mineral supplement for kids. Some kids who need multivitamins are:
- Kids who do not like to eat well nutritious, balanced, and regular meals made from fresh and whole foods.
- Finicky kids who hate eating food
- Kids with long-term medical conditions like asthma or digestive problems.
- Kids who eat a lot of junk food, convenience food, and processed foods need multivitamins.
- Kids who eat vegetarian food or vegan diets (they may require iron supplements and multivitamins), a dairy-free diet ( they may require calcium supplements), or other restricted food diets.
- Kids who drink carbonated beverages which drain vitamins and minerals from their bodies.
Here is the list of four vitamins and minerals for kids:
- Vitamin A: It is crucial for the development and growth of kids. Vitamin A is required for bone repair and healthy skin, eyes, and immune responses. Good sources of Vitamin A include milk, cheese, eggs, and yellow to orange vegetables like bell peppers, carrots, etcetera.
- Vitamin Bs: The family of vitamin Bs – B2, B3, B6, and B12 build healthy circulatory and nervous systems in childs’ bodies and aids metabolism, and produce energy. Vitamin Bs also promotes healthy muscles, connective tissues, and skin. Moreover, they promote bone and tooth formation and aid the body in absorbing calcium. Good sources of Vitamin Bs include fish, eggs, meat, chicken, milk, cheese, soybeans, beans, citrus fruit, kiwi, tomatoes, strawberries and green vegetables like broccoli.
- Calcium: It aids in building strong bones as a child develops. Some sources of calcium are milk, cheese, yogurt, tofu, and calcium-fortified orange juice.
- Iron: Iron helps build muscles and is essential in forming healthy red blood cells. Iron deficiency creates major jeopardy in adolescence, especially for girls, once menstruation starts. Good sources of iron include beef and other red meats, turkey, pork, spinach, beans, and prunes.
In the market, pediatric multivitamins are available in many forms, such as chewable candies, gummies, etcetera, so that kids eat them easily without any hesitation.
Vitamins and Healthy Kids: Four Tips
If you are going to give vitamins to your kids, follow these simple tips:
1. Put vitamins away from the reach of children, so they do not treat them like candies.
2. It is suggested not to scold your kid over food or use sweets as a bribe to “finish the plate.” Despite this, give your kid a chewable vitamin after the meal. Fat-soluble vitamins can only be consumed with food.
3. If your kid is taking any medication, ask your child’s pediatrician about any drug interactions with some vitamins or minerals. Then the supplement will not boost or lower the medication dose.
4. Try to give a chewable vitamin if your kid will not take a pill or liquid supplement.
Sound nutrition plays a pivotal role in your child’s learning, growth, and development. So, do not ever depend on cartoon characters promoting several supplements; commit to providing a range of healthy foods to your kids.
To recapitulate,
Eating fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains, lean protein, and dairy products, will help ensure your kid gets an adequate amount of each indispensable nutrient. Albeit, giving them multivitamins and healthy food is necessary for feeling enthusiastic each day for healthy growth and development.