Summer is a fun time of year for many people due to the warmer weather and increase in school vacations. It is when many Americans go on road trips or fly overseas. It’s important to stay safe during the summer to ensure having a great time. Here are some practical ways to help ensure that your summer is an enjoyable one.
Take Care of Your Body
Summer time is a great time to be outside and get plenty of exercise. It’s important to stay active and take care of your body. Take advantage of all the fruits and veggies in season to support your health. Make sure to support the outside appearance of your body as well, by applying moisturizing lotion. This can maintain healthy looking skin that you need in the summer. Also drink plenty of water to support your hydration.
Be Mindful of Pests
The summer months often see a rise in the number of flies, ticks, and mosquitos that people encounter outdoors. These insects range from being annoying to downright dangerous, as ticks and mosquitoes can spread illnesses to the people they bite. It is always a good idea to spray bug repellent onto your body before spending time outside. If you plan on remaining in one spot outdoors, consider bringing and lighting a candle that is specifically made to ward off flying pests. If you can do so, wear clothes that cover your skin.
Exercise Caution Around Water
Drowning is a real risk during the summer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is one of the leading causes of death among young children. It only takes a split second for a child or even an adult to slip and fall in a pond, lake, or swimming pool, quickly turning a fun outing into a potential tragedy. Keep a close eye on children when you are around sources of water. If you are an adult who is not confident in your swimming abilities, exercise caution when going fishing or boating. Consider wearing a life jacket while on a boat, especially if you are going over deep water. Even seasoned swimmers are not immune from the threat of a rip current or other sudden and severe movements of water.
Be a Smart Driver
Summer vacations conjure up feelings of road trips across the vast North American landscape. This is as good of a time as any to re-evaluate your driving habits. Some ways to be a safe driver include:
- Never getting behind the wheel under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Taking a break when you start to feel fatigued
- Switching out with another driver during longer trips
- Resisting the urge to text or engage in other distracting behavior when you should be paying attention to the road
In addition to altering your behavior to be a safer person on the road, make sure that your vehicle is in good driving condition. Among other maintenance factors, ensure that your brakes are in good working condition and that you have the proper tires for the road conditions.
Stay Cool
While you cannot control the temperature or weather around you, you can control your actions in certain conditions. When spending time in the heat, make sure to drink plenty of water, and avoid or limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Avoid doing heavy work outside between the peak afternoon hours. If you begin to feel tired or dizzy while outside, get inside or to a shaded spot as soon as possible.
Following some simple guidelines can help you have a fun and safe summer.